Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme



Ensuring the safety of pupils with allergies in schools goes beyond knowing what to do in an emergency; it also involves preventing pupils from being exposed to the allergens causing allergic reactions.

While many schools have implemented nut bans, current thinking suggests that this may provide a false sense of security, as schools cannot completely prevent nuts from inadvertently entering the building. The current best practice guidance recommends that schools adopt an “allergy-aware” rather than an “allergy-free” approach and educate the school community accordingly.

This interactive Prevention Program offers comprehensive training on how to reduce the risk of allergen exposure and how to implement specific tools and resources. Additionally, the program incorporates strategies for adopting a school-wide approach.

It is particularly relevant for teachers and class-based staff who directly support pupils with asthma and allergies.


PREVENTION PROGRAMME LIVE VIRTUAL TRAINING (90 minutes, combined with Peers Training as part of the Silver package)

Book an interactive live virtual training session delivered by a specialist nurse with first-hand experience in implementing prevention strategies in schools.



  • Prevention protocol – a whole school approach
  • Alternatives to whole school banning
  • Allergy avoidance strategies
  • Classroom modifications
  • Reading food labels
  • Cross-contamination
  • Non-food incentives for prizes, gifts, and awards
  • Managing the use of food in the curriculum
  • Preparing for offsite trips
  • Catering at school
  • Increased risk in teenagers
  • Communicating with parents
  • Risk assessments (classroom, dining hall, school transport, PE & out-of-school activities)



  • School allergy protocol check list
  • School risk assessment
Programme Enquiry

We assist schools across the UK in establishing the Gold Standard for Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe Schools.

If you would like further details or wish to discuss how we can support your school, please complete the form below, and we will get back to you promptly.

Alternatively, you can contact us on 0208 8720 6635 or email us at


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