Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme

Why all schools must have an anaphylaxis & asthma management plan

The number of pupils with asthma and allergies is increasing every year, and these conditions are closely related. Furthermore, both conditions are potentially life-threatening and unpredictable.

Following the guidelines outlined in ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at School’ (DfE 2015), it is essential that all schools implement a robust management plan to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for pupils at risk of anaphylaxis and those with asthma and allergies. Our Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme assists schools in meeting these statutory requirements.

The program is designed and delivered by a team of specialist nurses with current clinical practice in school nursing and extensive experience working in partnership with schools.

Asthma training in schools by Teach Health.

asthma training in schools Asthma & Allergy-Friendly School Programme
asthma training in schools asthma training schools asthma awareness training
The Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme

The Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme integrates current evidence-based practices and statutory requirements across five key areas:

  • Professionals (including all school staff)
  • Prevention (incorporating allergy avoidance protocols and strategies)
  • Peers (educating pupils across all year groups)
  • Pupil (establishing pathways for pupils with asthma and allergies)
  • Policy (developing a school management plan)

Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Package Options

In our experience, many schools have segments of best practice in place but may require support in specific areas.

For this reason, schools have the option of signing up for one of three memberships: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Click on the + sign next to the name below to choose the package that best suits your school’s needs.

Bronze Package


The Bronze package includes Asthma, Anaphylaxis, & Allergy Awareness training for every member of the school staff, including midday assistants and after-school club staff.

Best practice requires a minimum of 95% of school staff to be trained

Bronze package includes:

1. PROFESSIONAL (whole school staff training)

  • Schools book a 90-minute live virtual training session delivered by a specialist nurse OR staff complete two eLearning programmes (Asthma Awareness, & Anaphylaxis & Allergy Awareness).
  • Both options are high impact accredited training with CPD points.


Staff training data reports

  • Monthly reports to monitor staff training.
  • Identifies staff who have completed the training.
  • Alerts when certificate due to expire.

Monthly updates

  • Staff receive monthly curated updates to refresh knowledge & keep informed of new recommendations.


  • Information sheets.
  • Posters.

Cost: £395 (annual subscription)

Silver Package


The Silver package includes all the content from the Bronze package, along with additional training and resources focused on allergy prevention, as well as an education programme designed to be presented across key stages. This is particularly relevant for teachers and classroom-based staff.

Silver package includes:




  • 60-minute live virtual training session on allergy awareness and promoting a safe school environment free from allergens and irritants.
  • covers strategies for asthma and allergy avoidance, preventing cross-contamination, reading food labels, and completing comprehensive risk assessments.


  • Risk assessment templates
  • Class room posters



  • 60-minute live virtual session on delivering the asthma & allergy education programme across key stages.
  • Includes strategies for preventing bullying & promoting inclusion.


  • Ready to use pupil lesson plans, education materials (including games & activities), assembly PowerPoints & case studies.



  • Resources & newsletter templates are provided to send home to all families, sharing information on asthma & allergies.

Cost: £895 (annual subscription)

Gold Package


The Gold package includes all content from the Bronze and Silver packages, along with additional information and training on policies, procedures, and creating pathways for pupils with asthma and allergies. This additional content is most suitable for the senior leadership team and the school SENCO.

Gold package includes:




4. PUPIL Pathway

  • 60-minute live virtual session on managing pupils with asthma & allergies throughout all school years.


  • Includes templates for pupil assessment, Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP), and emergency action plans, along with a ‘how to access health professionals’ flowchart, posters, and information sheets.



  • 60-minute live virtual session on developing a whole-school asthma & allergy management plan.


  • Asthma & allergy policy templates, emergency response plan, procedures for accessing and storing emergency inhalers and AAI’s, flow charts, managing medicines procedure, information sheets & posters.



Accredited eLearn programme for staff responsible for managing & administering medicines in school.

Cost: £1,395 (annual subscription)

Additional Content

Managing medicines training is a statutory requirement for all staff responsible for managing and administering medicines.

The Gold package includes an accredited Managing Medicines eLearn module, covering all aspects of safe medication handling in schools.

Asthma & Allergy-Friendly School Programme
Take the Scorecard

Find out how your school is currently performing in managing pupils with asthma and allergies and meeting statutory requirements.

Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme

By enrolling in this programme school staff will gain:

Clarity in their roles, responsibilities and accountability through the implementation of a standardised system.

Competence in the safe management of pupils with asthma and allergies.

Confidence in their ability to support the social and emotional needs of pupils with asthma and allergies, earning a reputation for inclusivity and care.

Anaphylaxis & Allergy Awareness Training Courses
asthma training in schools asthma awareness training
The Gold Standard Asthma & Allergy-Friendly School AWARD

Schools that successfully implement statutory guidance and best practices in the approved ‘5 Key Areas’ are awarded The Gold Standard Asthma & Allergy-Friendly School Certificate & Crest.

The certificate can be framed and displayed in the school reception area, and the logo presented on websites and school stationery, showcasing your school’s high performance and commitment to safely managing pupils with asthma and allergies.

Contact Us

For more information on the Anaphylaxis & Asthma Safe School Programme, please contact us at 0208 8720 6635 or email us at

Alternatively, you can complete our programme enquiry form, and we will get straight back to you.

Programme Enquiry

We support schools across the UK to achieve The Gold Standard Asthma & Allergy-Friendly School award.

If you would like further details or would like to discuss how we can support your school please complete the form below and we will get straight back to you.

Alternatively, you can contact us on 0208 8720 6635 or email us at


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